Apr 22Liked by Devin LaSarre

Ronald Reagan’s very insightful quote in the beginning of the article thoughtfully applies to virtually any big government intervention to “protect” individuals from themselves & their individual choices.

I’m assuming the totally unregulated cigarette & vaping black markets are looking forward to a huge windfall if/when the UK’s generational smoking (& vaping) ban is enacted. What’s next for the UK? Banning alcohol like beer, stout, gin? Good luck. We all know how the USA’s prohibition on alcohol worked out back in the early 1900s. My guess is the UK will be in line for a similar result.

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Apr 22Liked by Devin LaSarre

The ban on disposable vapes is a good idea. Aside from the health effects they have also been a cause of fires - e.g. if the lithium battery gets crushed in a rubbish lorry - and you could argue a massive waste of lithium that can't be recovered.

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You write, "After all, laws in place that are not complied with or adequately enforced are practically indistinguishable from having no law at all." I would have said that not only are they indistinguishable, but are in fact worse than having no law when the law abrogates an individual right or liberty.

Further, the creation of two classes of citizens, one class with a specific right and one without that right, whatever the right might be, should be morally offensive to any human. But I guess if the topic is public health, people and politicians will make exceptions.

But who knows? To paraphrase Tobias Fünke, it might work out for the UK (https://bit.ly/3xHLjLz).

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Apr 25Liked by Devin LaSarre

Another great piece.

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Enjoyed reading this one. Thanks, Devin!

"A government that has historically championed individual liberty for its people is stripping specific members of society of their ability to choose, creating a multi-tiered class system in the process. Those who happen to turn the magical age of 18 on or after January 1, 2027, will never have the right to make the choice for themselves as to whether or not to smoke. They will never have the ability to make that adult choice, whether they are 18, 25, 40, 50, or 90 years old. Those who turn 18 at any time prior to that date will enjoy the same freedom all other adults in the country currently exercise."

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Apr 22Liked by Devin LaSarre

If this is written into law, it could have some spillover effect as the Commonwealth of Nations, many of which being former British colonies, share similar legal system as the UK and may follow suit. Actually generational ban has also been discussed in HK as well, but not quite ready for legislation due to lack of precedence.

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Apr 22Liked by Devin LaSarre

UK is going to ban vaping. Thank you for the information. I was under the impression that they are trying to ban cigarettes only.

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