Understood. Would not working capital, however, generally be financed with factoring finance, other debt, equity, or some combination thereof? Does use of bank overdraft(s) here, in material amounts over an apparently extended period of time, come together with certain constraints on such use?
Understood. Would not working capital, however, generally be financed with factoring finance, other debt, equity, or some combination thereof? Does use of bank overdraft(s) here, in material amounts over an apparently extended period of time, come together with certain constraints on such use?
I don't see concerns regarding liquidity, if that's what you're getting at. There are costs, but the very low working capital ratio provides efficiency benefits, and again, it's high turnover and non-cyclical, so very predictable. If there are specific concerns, I'd encourage you to reach out to IR - they would likely provide wonderful context.
Understood. Would not working capital, however, generally be financed with factoring finance, other debt, equity, or some combination thereof? Does use of bank overdraft(s) here, in material amounts over an apparently extended period of time, come together with certain constraints on such use?
I don't see concerns regarding liquidity, if that's what you're getting at. There are costs, but the very low working capital ratio provides efficiency benefits, and again, it's high turnover and non-cyclical, so very predictable. If there are specific concerns, I'd encourage you to reach out to IR - they would likely provide wonderful context.